8 Tips for weight loss motivation
With summer not too far away, this is the time that you will most likely be thinking about getting in shape and losing those extra kilos. But when the weather is still a bit cool it can be hard to find the motivation you need to lose the weight.
To help you get motivated and stay motivated we have compiled some weight loss motivation tips.
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Winter is almost over – Time to get ready for summer
With the cooler weather ending and the days getting longer and warmer you might be thinking about getting yourself in shape and losing some weight before summer really starts.
Summer is the time of year you may be wasting days laying on the beach in your swimwear or at least wearing some shorter sleeves and shorts, which means you may want to lose a few kilos to feel more confident. Or you might just want to get more energy to be able to get out, run around and play with your kids.
You still have some days until summer is here
Summer isn’t here just yet so you don’t need to put the pressure on yourself to lose the weight you are hoping to lose really fast. The best thing you can do to maintain your weight loss motivation is to be kind to yourself and know that it will take time to hit your goals but you can do it and will do it.
Maintain a glass-half-full mentality
We all know the old saying “is the glass half full or half empty?” with your choice indicating whether you look at life optimistically or pessimistically. If you want to maintain good motivation to lose weight it is best to look at things with a glass half full or optimistic mentality.
Use the last few days to prepare
One great way to make sure you are not going to lose any weight loss motivation is to make sure you prepare as much as you can before starting on your journey. We are big fans of meal prepping and meal planning here at The Healthy Mummy.
Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app has thousands of recipes and multiple meal plans to help you prepare.
8 ways how to get motivated for weight loss
If you are not sure how to increase your weight loss motivation and kick those goals then check out these eight tips.
1. Create a visual reminder
One great way to get and stay motivated is to create a motivation board as a visual reminder of your goals and why you are doing what you are doing. Good weight loss motivation pictures include things like a piece of clothing you would love to treat yourself to if you hit your goals or someone who has a similar body type to what you aiming for.
Once you have created the board make sure it is hanging somewhere that you will see it every day so that it reminds you and motivates you to keep going.
2. Be active indoors
When the weather is cooler, wet and miserable it can sometimes be hard to find the motivation to get out and get active. The good thing is you don’t need to get outside to get active there are so many exercise routines you can do in the comfort of your own home.
All the exercises included in the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge can be done at home with little to no extra equipment. If you think it’s too hard trying to exercise with your kids around check out this mum’s tips on exercising with kids in tow.
3. Follow exercises on TV
Another great way to keep up your weight loss motivation up is to just turn on the TV and follow along with the workouts on your local fitness TV show. If you can’t find a workout on TV jump on YouTube and check out all the free workouts available on The Healthy Mummy’s YouTube channel.
4. Make delicious healthy food
It can be hard to stay motivated to lose weight if the meals you are eating whilst on your journey aren’t exciting you or your family. The good news is that there are thousands of healthy, delicious and easy weight loss recipes out there that you can cook up and keep all your family happy.
If you think the food you are ‘supposed’ to eat when you are trying to lose weight is boring you couldn’t be more wrong. In the recipe hub of the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, there are thousands of healthy, family-friendly and budget-friendly recipes to suit all your cooking needs.
5. Exercise with a group or partner
The best way to get your weight loss motivation at its best and stay on track is to get your family and especially your partner on board with your weight loss journey. What’s more, if you have a few people on board with you then you can all get together and exercise together and really everything is better with when you have company.
6. Make and keep a plan
If you find it hard to keep your weight loss motivation going, which if you are reading these tips you most likely do, then you should write out a plan to help you stay on track. Meal planning is a big part of The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge but there are also exercise plans that support your weight loss journey.
Not only does a plan help you stay motivated and on track but it also helps you keep track of the progress you have made. If you notice you have been doing well for a couple of weeks it might be nice to give yourself a little reward and doing this is also a good motivation to lose weight.
7. Challenge yourself
If you are still wondering how to get motivated to lose weight even after all the above tips why not make it a challenge. Set yourself small goals that once you reach them you get a reward, or team up with a friend or family member and compete with them to hit certain goals. Competition and adding rewards can help keep your weight loss motivation a bit higher.
If you aren’t a competitive person or don’t think this would be the right motivation for you, just try challenging yourself. Try something new, if you haven’t tried yoga go to a class, if you have done weights give them a try, do some Zumba just try something different.
8. Play your favourite workout music to get inspired
One great way to help you get motivated to lose weight is to create a workout playlist that is full of songs that will keep you pumped and motivated. Include your favourite songs and songs that will keep you moving, motivated and push you to keep going.
If you need some inspiration, check out The Healthy Mummy’s Spotify playlists.
Are you still thinking ‘I have no motivation to lose weight’ or ‘how do I get motivated to lose weight’ then go back and reread all our tips and put them into action. If you want some extra motivation then join our private Facebook group where you will hear amazing weight loss motivation stories from other mums.
Real mum results
Lauren Has Lost Over 46kgs
Lauren says,“If you’re just starting out on your journey, I’d highly recommend starting with a 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. It’s such a great way to learn about healthy eating and exercise.”
Jo Has Lost 41kgs
Jo says,“There is 12 months between these pictures (above). I have lost over 41kgs* since starting The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges in April 2016.
I love my daily Healthy Mummy smoothie and exercising with my two very active boys aged 2 & 3 years. I’m forever grateful to The Healthy Mummy for giving me a life that is a healthy one and a sustainable one too!!”
Renee Has Lost 46kg
This beautiful and hard-working lady has lost an amazing 46kgs using the The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and Smoothies.
Renee says, “At times I feel as though progress is slow. But in hindsight, 17 months is such a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things, considering that I lived every single day as an obese young woman for well over a decade.”
“The Healthy Mummy is just a part of my everyday life, I live and breathe it every minute of the day.
This weight loss journey has been so much more than me losing 46kgs*. The Healthy Mummy has given me the ability to make better choices for myself and my 7 year old son.”
Elle has lost 20kgs
“I have lost 25kg in just over a year following the Healthy Mummy lifestyle, but so much for me has changed, much more than just my weight.
From the age of 11, I always wanted long skinny legs – just like the models I saw on Fashion TV. I always HATED my chunky thighs. As I’ve lost weight and gained more confidence I now have learnt to embrace my legs. They are strong and I work them hard to look toned.
I have accepted I will never have gorgeous long skinny legs. But I will try to look the best I possibly can without compromising my health. Loving your body and nurturing it, finding your strengths is a BIG thing.”
Sascha lost 30kg
Sascha says, “Over 30kg gone from using The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and maintaining it couldn’t be more enjoyable”
Cicily has lost 56kgs
Cicily says, “Now I’m feeling so happy in myself, full of energy, confidence is back and excelling. I’m just so darn ME! I feel like I can finally be myself, like I was being held back and didn’t even realise it! Healthy Mummy you are my rock! Trust in the plans. They’ve changed my life forever!”
Lauren Has Lost Over 46kgs
Lauren says,“If you’re just starting out on your journey, I’d highly recommend starting with a 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. It’s such a great way to learn about healthy eating and exercise.”
Jo Has Lost 41kgs
Jo says,“There is 12 months between these pictures (above). I have lost over 41kgs* since starting The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges in April 2016.
I love my daily Healthy Mummy smoothie and exercising with my two very active boys aged 2 & 3 years. I’m forever grateful to The Healthy Mummy for giving me a life that is a healthy one and a sustainable one too!!”