If you struggle with bloating then add these foods to your next food shop

These foods can help you reduce bloating and stomach fat…
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Bloating is often mistaken for stomach fat, it’s often painful or leaves you feeling very uncomfortable.

It occurs when the normal flow of gas (produced in the colon after we eat or drink), is disrupted in some way getting trapped, resulting in distention and discomfort.

But the good news is that there are lots of simple tweaks that can counteract common bloat-inducers while you are living a healthier lifestyle on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge. 

These foods can help you reduce bloating and stomach fat…

how to beat belly bloating

Foods to eat to help you beat bloating


These are packed with vitamin C and K as well as potassium and fibre. Fibre is essential because it helps food pass through your digestive track.


Apples have a high water content which is important if you are feeling bloated, as it helps you stay hydrated and keeps everything moving.


Check out more Fruit Backgrounds:

Packed full of bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps reduce bloating, as well as vitamin C and B. Pineapples have been used for centuries to reduce bloating and improve inflammation.


These contain actinidain, an enzyme which helps improve digestion and help yo release your bowels.

Bloating may occur due to a number of reasons including:

  • Overeating
  • Food sensitivities e.g. intolerance or sensitivity to gluten and/or lactose
  • An imbalance between the good and bacteria in your gut
  • Constipation
  • Stress
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Swallowing air, eating too fast, chewing gum

5 foods that cause bloating

1. Gassy foods

prepared broccoli in a bowl on table

Some vegetables produce more gas than others do, such as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage). Why? They contain sulfur and a carbohydrate called raffinose, both of which are hard for the body to break down. This doesn’t mean you ditch your green entirely, just limit the amount you eat at one time to minimise its effect.

2. Junk foods

Why Do We Crave Fatty & Unhealthy Foods

Fatty foods, particularly the saturated kind found in pastries, fried foods and processed meats take much longer to digest than carbohydrates or protein. This extra time allows gas to build up, causing bloating.

3. Carbonated drinks

mum fizzy drinks

The tingly bubbles contain carbon dioxide, which once ingested, forms pockets of gas within the gut producing wind and belching.

Read how Larina (pictured above) lost 34kgs* by ditching fizzy drinks and fast food here!

4. Artificial sweeteners 

Artificial sweeteners cannot be broken down in the stomach, therefore tend to linger in the gut creating a breading ground for the fermentation of bacteria, leading to production of gas. Common culprits include aspartame, saccharin and sorbitol.

5. Salt


Salt causes your body to retain fluid, contributing to that puffy appearance and extra water weight. Surprisingly the majority of salt is hidden in processed foods, namely condiments, sauces and salad dressings. As always read the labels.

P.S check out our NEW TUMMY smoothie here

7 flat belly foods

1. Oats


Fibre-rich oats stay in your stomach for hours which help to control hunger. Steer clear of instant oats or sugary flavoured varieties. Choose natural rolled oats and sweeten it with yoghurt, fruit and cinnamon.

These 5 Ingredient Oats With Vanilla Cherry Compote are a great way to start the day!

2. Almonds


Chock full of filling protein and healthy fats which help to curb the appetite and reduce cravings. Snack on 10-15 almonds per day.

3. Wholegrains

quinoa muffins

Most wholegrains are low GI meaning they digest more slowly over time keeping blood sugar levels more stable – this prevents overeating and weight gain. Think rye, spelt, barley, quinoa, oats and brown rice.

Snack on these High Protein Honey Apple Quinoa Muffins!

4. Eggs


Not only are eggs rich in protein, they contain a high content of vitamin B12 which helps break down fat cells more effectively. Poached or boiled eggs are a perfect choice for a healthy breakfast.

Check out this recipe for Roast Sweet Potato And Baked Egg Hash

5. Beans and legumes

Homemade Baked Beans

These are packed with appetite-suppressing fibre and protein which keep hunger at bay. Swap a meat-heavy dish for beans or legumes in casseroles, burritos, and pasta dishes a couple of times per week to increase the bulk without the added calories.

Make your own Healthy Homemade Baked Beans for a simple breakfast, lunch or dinner!

6. Olive oil

Olive oil

One of the keys to reducing fat around your midsection is to focus on eating monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) – a healthy fat which help to keep cholesterol levels under control and satisfy hunger cravings. MUFAs are also found in avocado and canola oil.

7. Oily fish

Pesto Salmon

Apart from being a great source of protein, oily fish such as trout, salmon and tuna contain large amounts of omega-3 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids are less likely to store as body fat help the body process and flush out fats. Aim to eat fish three times a week.

This Pesto Salmon recipe is a delicious dinner to impress everyone with, but it’s actually super simple!

A note on food intolerance

Having a food intolerance means you will experience an adverse reaction to certain food components. There are many different types of food that people can be intolerant to but the most common include milk, wheat, and gluten.

If you think you have a food intolerance, then it’s important to get a proper diagnosis from a qualified medical practitioner. Don’t cut food groups out of your diet without medical advice, because you could miss out on important nutrients.

How The Healthy Mummy’s BLOAT can help you!

Introducing BLOAT, formulated to help relieve abdominal bloating and discomfort resulting in a visibly flatter tummy!

 BLOAT will help you reduce abdominal bloating and relieve discomfort resulting in a visibly flatter tummy. No more avoiding foods you love.

✔ BLOAT contains a carefully selected blend of  Western Herbal Medicine Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Peppermint and Activated Charcoal to reduce bloating, relieve embarrassing flatulence, and indigestion.

✔ BLOAT will help you achieve gut balance by aiding, supporting, promoting and restoring digestive health.

✔ BLOAT features Activated Charcoal to help flush out toxins and detox your gut.

✔ BLOAT promotes good digestive health the key to healthier looking skin! Studies show that where there is gut inflammation, there will be skin inflammation. Having a healthier gut microbiota may have a healthier fatty acid profile in their skin, meaning their skin is more moisturised, hydrated and protected.

Reasons to LOVE BLOAT

  • Reduces Bloating
  • Relieves flatulence
  • Relieves digestive discomfort
  • Relieve symptoms of indigestion
  • Gentle on the stomach with all natural ingredients.

How to use

Adults – Take 1 capsule, twice daily with a glass of water.

Contains 60 Capsules or a 30 Day Supply.

Key Ingredients: Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, and Activated Charcoal

BLOAT harnesses century old Western Herbal Medicine:

  • Chamomile is an herb that comes from the daisy-like flowers of the Asteraceae plant family and is used to relax your digestive muscles and treat issues like gas, indigestion.
  • Lemon Balm  is an ancient herb from the mint family. Lemon Balm can help treat symptoms of dyspepsia (upset stomach), and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Lemon balm contains citral, citronellal, linalool, geraniol, and beta-caryophyllene, each of which may help relieve muscle spasms and gas.
  • Peppermint relaxes your digestive system and may ease pain. It also prevents smooth muscles from contracting, which could relieve spasms in your gut. It is used to relieve digestive symptoms, such as gas, bloating and indigestion.
  • Activated Charcoal from coconut shells works through the digestive tract by trapping toxins in the gut and preventing them from being absorbed.

Purchase Bloat here.


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