Fertility information for The Healthy Mummy. Get expert advice and up to date research on women’s health and falling pregnant. Including diet advice and tips to follow if you are trying to conceive. Read real stories from real mums in our Healthy Mummy community. Your online guide to fertility and healthy living.
Male fertility and the benefits of eating nuts (for your nuts)
Eating nuts may enhance male fertility, according to a Monash University study. The study was Published in Advances in…

Dad’s drinking is just as bad for your unborn baby!
For decades, mothers have been slammed for their alcohol use during pregnancy − new research points to dad’s drinking…
Losing weight could help overweight men DOUBLE their sperm count, study finds

Endometriosis: What Is It And How Does It Affect Fertility?
Popular pain relief used during labour could be discontinued due to carbon footprint
Epidurals are running low! Aussie anaesthetists reveal there’s a supply shortage of the painkiller
Having a healthy gut during pregnancy can help the development of your baby
WORLD FIRST: Aussie women are trialling an at home IVF hormone test
The reasons you have itchy boobs – and when to see a doctor
7 reasons you may be having horrendous period pain
10 of the strangest things that can happen to your brain after you’ve given birth
There are a lot of physical changes that many women experience after giving birth. Not only does the body…
10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth
6 reasons your PREGNANCY TEST is showing a FALSE-POSITIVE
You may have heard of a pregnancy test showing a false-negative but did you know they can also show…