Tips and advice on how to succeed in your weight loss journey from a mum who’s done it
Mum Dani Stormont has been part of The Healthy Mummy community for a few years, she has not only lost an amazing 25kg by following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge but has learnt a lot about health and herself.
She has been sharing some helpful tips and advice in The Healthy Mummy Facebook Private Support Group that we wanted to share to help other mums on their journey.
Dani’s weight loss journey
“Let me tell you a bit of my story…
Rewind to 2017. I was the heaviest I have ever been, and I was tired, tired all the time. Tired without doing anything, a flight of stairs felt like I had run a 5km marathon, I was tired of clothes not fitting, I was tired of almost crying every time I looked in the mirror, I was tired of hiding myself from the world as if I was Quasimodo.
So there I sat one night, miserable, feeling lonely and searching Facebook for ‘healthy lifestyle’ groups. I needed help. Then I stumbled on The Healthy Mummy. I read a story, I saw her results, I saw the link. ‘Ok, couldn’t hurt,’ I thought as I joined, a little sceptical, and totally unaware that I finally found my solution, I found an answer, I found THE ONE.
It didn’t take me long to work out that it was unlike any other program I had tried before. It had real people, it had an amazing online support network, and it got results!!!!”
“Six months after joining, I had lost 25 kg. 12 months after that… I have maintained my weight (give and take a couple of birthday/easter/Xmas kilos, and they went as soon as they came haha). But it’s not just the weight loss… Healthy Mummy teaches you about healthy choices, it teaches you portion control. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. And it works!
Determination teamed with The Healthy Mummy is a life changer.
I have energy, I have reclaimed my health, I love to exercise, I am no longer hiding from the world…. and I am no longer stressed out about what’s for dinner, or if my kids are getting enough vitamins and minerals, The Healthy Mummy has taken the stress right out!
I am still on my journey, new goals this year and I know The Healthy Mummy will help me smash them! If you haven’t taken that 1st step… do it! You won’t regret it.”
“So much has changed between these photos, and it’s not just my dress size. I was so uncomfortable all the time, extremely unfit, and miserable that I wasn’t able to be the mum I wanted to be for my kids, I had no energy to play… at the playground, I would just sit there on the bench watching on, forever saying later to the kids.
Well… later has come. It’s now. I do all the things! I run, I climb with them, we do cartwheels, ride bikes and scooters together, swim and basically LIVE! … I am now 100% in the present and my kids (and myself) are loving life!
The Healthy Mummy helped teach me about healthier choices, the importance of exercise and water! And helped me lose 25kg. AND I maintained my weight for a year! That’s never happened before?!?! And why?!?!? Because I never tried The Healthy Mummy before! It works!”
Dani’s tips for success with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge
She says, “The new challenge is starting very soon! Who’s excited?!?! I know I am!!! I thought with it fast approaching I would share some Healthy Hacks.”
- Enjoy sunshine: Vitamin D is natures happy drug and works wonders for mental health!
- Lift weights: Its body, brain & bone strengthening
- Eat protein rich foods daily: Your best body, hair, skin & nails depend on it.
- Schedule active recovery days in your workout week: Keep moving but keep it leisurely and gentle.
- Sing & Dance: Free your spirit with a little shimmy shimmy
- Sleep a sound 7-8 hours: re-energising and recovery depends upon it.
- Set a goal each month: 12 achievements a year is pretty amazing
- Exercise outdoors: The fresh air & greenery trigger happy healthy brain function & blood circulation
How to find a blank meal plan if the one served to you isn’t to your taste or needs
Dani says, “I was asked the other day how to find the blank meal plan to totally create your own meal plan from scratch on the app. It’s really easy (and a fantastic feature!)”
In the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app:
- Click on meal plan
- Top of screen is a drop-down box. Click on it.
- Select the blank option
- Blank meal plan found
Stay motivated
Dani offers her top tips to stay motivated on your weight loss journey.
“So many people have asked me about how I find my motivation to exercise… it’s in all of us. We all have it. But I have some tips on how to bring it out and stay on track hoping you find these helpful.”
- KEEP A WORKOUT DIARY: Record how you felt before working out, activity, duration and how you felt afterwards. If you need motivation look through your previous workouts and remember how they make you feel better.
- HAIR: Wash your hair only on days that you complete 60 mins or more of active exercise. Trust me, you want to exercise… who wants greasy smelly hair? Haha
- ONLY DO THINGS YOU ENJOY: Hate running? Don’t run, go for walks instead! Hate Gyms? Try an outdoor fitness class or exercise at home using the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app! Love to dance? Try the DanceFit on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app, or a Zumba class. You will stick to an activity you enjoy.
- SQUEEZE IT IN: Find little ways to fit a few exercises into daily life…. squat doing laundry, calf raises washing up, wall sit waiting for the kettle or blender.
- PRIORITISE: Make exercise a priority! Set times/days to do it and JUST COMMIT and do it! Be accountable.
- MUSIC: Make a playlist! Music helps me so much!
- YOU TIME: Consider exercise as YOU time. You are working on YOU, focusing on YOU, improving YOU. YOU deserve it.
- MOTIVATE OTHERS: This may sound funny…. but the more you encourage other people the more you want to stay on track too.
“Which leads me to one of my motivation tips (and one of the most important I think!).”
“Your brain recognises reward systems and will start recognising that the behaviour you are rewarding, for example, exercise, is worthwhile doing. It increases the odds the routine becomes a habit.
Over time, the motivation because intrinsic as the brain starts to associate sweat & pain with the surge of endorphins (the good chemicals your brain releases that are responsible for that I feel freaking amazeballs rush you get after a good workout session).
Once your brain recognises the workout as a reward, you won’t need the treat.
The reward doesn’t have to be extravagant (especially for exercise), for example, don’t watch TV till you have done your exercises, reward yourself with a movie that night you want to watch, or a home facial / pamper session. Try it! YOU DESERVE IT!”
Read some of our suggested non-food rewards.
Staying on track
“When you can’t find your boot camp because you didn’t read the email about wet weather…. you improvise haha. I am staying on track!”
“Need help with getting back on / or staying on track?”
“Here are a few of my tips:”
- Commit yourself to exercise: Make a time and do it! Set daily goals and smash them. You may not feel like it to start, but believe me, you will be so glad you did when you finish!
- Keep a diary: I use my Healthy Mummy diary and record my exercise and food each day. It helps hold myself accountable.
- Downtime: Immerse yourself in The Healthy Mummy community, read articles, read success stories (there are hundreds with The Healthy Mummy). The more you educate yourself the better chances you have of success long term. Also, the stories are so inspiring!!!
- Don’t doubt yourself or self-hate. It’s not easy to start, but YOU STARTED. And remember we all have our off days. Just pick yourself up and remember we are human… Tomorrow you smash your goals!
- Don’t weigh yourself daily. Your body fluctuates so much this will do your head in. Also when you do your weigh ins… weigh yourself at the same time of day every weigh in. Your body weighs less in the morning than at night
- Measure weekly! The scales might not budge but the tape measure may!!!
- Breathe! It’s a journey!
The Importance of Measuring
We are big advocates of not relying solely on scales when you are measuring your weight loss success and Dani is the same.
She explains why she believes in the importance of taking your measurements.
“Scales like to lie. Scales like to tease. Scales are not our friends all the time…. for example, I have been working my butt off this 28 Day Challenge, and the scales are only showing a 2.1kg loss…. whaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!”
“So I grab the tape measure…. ahhhhhh! I can breathe! RESULTS! While the scales don’t want to budge much these days for me, the tape measure is always on the move (in the right direction!). I have lost 6 cm from my hips and 4.5 cm from my waist Haha.”
“So…. don’t forget to make friends with a tape measure! Its a much more rewarding friendship than with a scale…. although the scale will always be a long term frenemy of mine, the tape measure is now a loyal dependable buddy I can rely on!”
Non-Scale Victory (NSV)
Another way we like to measure weight loss success at The Healthy Mummy is by celebrating our non-scale victories (NSVs).
These are things like fitting into that pair of pants you had in your cupboard just in case or making a personal best time on your morning run or even just having the confidence to rock a bikini at the beach with the family. These are all NSVs and are all worth celebrating.
Dani has had multiple NSVs during her weight loss journey but these two are well worth a little happy dance!
“Looks like these leggings missed the charity bag but it was a nice surprise when I quickly grabbed a pair to put on this morning and was reminded about how far I have come!!! Never ever again will I be a size 16! The Healthy Mummy has taught me the importance of a healthy balanced diet & exercise. It changed my life!!
Time to make a new charity bag I think because I am pretty sure there are a few more items of clothing hanging around that really need to go now, time for another wardrobe/drawers overhaul!”
Another NSV Dani celebrated was going to the beach with the confidence to rock a bikini!
“I am now comfortable enough to rock a bikini and not worry if people see me! They can look all they want, I am pretty proud of me right now! I’ve worked hard to get where I am atm… and by next summer, watch out haha! Dedication and the healthy mummy has given me my life back!
The photo is of me and the kids being Otters in the pool, we like to float and hold hands like Otters.”
Join Dani on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and change your life today!
If you are interested in kickstarting your weight loss and want to improve your energy – not to mention – improve your overall health and wellbeing – our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is an awesome program to check out.
Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge includes:
- 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
- Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans (including a 7 day cleanse)
- Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
- Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
- Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!