9 Tips To Save Your Sanity When Road Tripping With Kids
Often long road trips with kids are inevitable, especially during the school holidays. One thing that isn’t compulsory is insanity. With a little planning and organisation, you might even find yourself enjoying being in the car with your kids for…
21 most popular excuses not to have sex
Sometimes getting on down in funky town is the last thing on a busy mum’s mind because quite frankly there’s just too many other things that get in the way of sex. Which is why there are SO MANY popular…
Expert Tips To Stop Money Problems Ruining Your Relationship
Money can’t buy you love, but it can cause many problems for couples. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons for relationship breakdowns. One financial planning expert says getting your financial house in order could be just as much…
Halloween movies that aren’t too scary for your kids
5 Reasons Why Sex In the Third Trimester Rocks
By the time you’re 8 months pregnant the thought of ‘getting down in funky town’ is often the last thing on your mind, but this isn’t the case for everyone. While some heavily pregnant women have zero sex drive, many…
7 ways drinking alcohol affects your weight loss
If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be wondering if it’s okay to have a drink or two. The good news is that you don’t have to give up alcohol completely in order to reach your goals. However, it’s…
23 Hacks To Smuggle Veggies Into Kids Food
7 awkward post-birth problems no-one talks about
Much like how few people warn you about the ‘ring of fire’ you are confronted with during childbirth, few mums openly talk about awkward post-birth problems they suffer.
15 things no one tells you about giving birth
10 signs your friend might have postnatal depression
Often we’re too busy to notice our friends might be suffering postnatal depression, but it’s important you know the symptoms because left untreated or unidentified it can cause mums to experience thoughts and behaviours that present a risk to her…
The Pros And Cons Of Having A Vasectomy
Why your boob size doesn’t affect your ability to breastfeed
Whether your boobs are big or small, fear not, you can still successfully breastfeed your baby. And if you have large breasts, it doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to have more milk than those with smaller ones. Here is why the size…
5 facts you might not know about your morning coffee
For many mums, that first cup of morning coffee is absolutely necessary in order to function as a human being. But it’s so easy to just drink it every day without really knowing exactly what it’s doing to your body.
Three phrases you shouldn’t say to your little one (and what to say instead)
Let’s face it, we parents are far from perfect and often dish out some rather dubious advice to our children. But here are three phrases well-meaning parents should AVOID saying at all costs and what you can say instead.
5 Easter gifts kids will love that aren’t chocolate
With shop shelves currently lined with hundreds of colourful Easter eggs of all shapes and sizes, it’s easy to get sucked into the chocolate-buying frenzy. If you’re not keen on feeding your kids up with sugar and dealing with the associated…
11 Things That Only Parents With One Child Know
Children are a blessing whether you have four or one, but there are some things that only parents with one child know. We asked a few mums who have one child to share experiences that are unique to them, here…
Tips to help you manage the post-Christmas clean up!
11 things only a middle child understands
There are a lot of theories about birth order and how that can affect your personality. Many families find that their second born is quite different to their first, and often this is as a result of them wanting to…
How To Prepare Your Child For Their First Day Of School
If you’re sending your ‘baby’ off to school next year, you can make the transition easier for you both by doing a little preparation before their first day.
Expert Gives Advice On How To Raise Great Girls
Many parents worry about if their daughters will grow to be resilient enough to cope in today’s world, but according to parenting expert Steve Biddulph, girls need three things to survive.
17 things men should not say during labour
I’ve given birth three times and each time I had my husband at my side, this is why I feel I’m reasonably qualified to write about things that men should not say to their wives during labour. Funny story, well…
Help! My Bladder Leaks When I Exercise!
It’s estimated that 30 per cent of women will experience some form of bladder leakage after birth, particularly when exercising. But this doesn’t mean that urinary incontinence should be accepted as a normal consequence of having a baby. According to Women’s…
6 expert pieces of advice on how to raise great boys
As a mum of two boys it’s important to me that they grow up to be fabulous and respectful men, which is why I’ve sought out some expert parenting advice from Steve Biddulph.
8 Tips To Help You Survive Hosting A Child’s Birthday Party
It’s not until you’ve hosted a child’s birthday party that you realise they are fraught with problems and can be really stressful; in some instances people have lost friends over them.
When You Lose Weight, Where Does The Fat Go?
Have you ever wondered what actually happens to the body fat that you’ve worked so hard to burn off? The answer will probably surprise you.