Healthy Mummy Articles
5 Mums share their postpartum fitness journey with The Healthy Mummy
Read real life stories from Mums who did the 28 Day Weight Loss challenge postpartum and how they made it work for them. The 5 star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rated Healthy Mummy App contains a nutritionists developed Pregnancy Meal Plan – fully customisable to suit…
MUST READ: 10 things to do before and after a workout for better results
Are you struggling to feed the family on a tight budget? Try these 7 recipes all under $2 per serve
Feeding babies and toddlers can be challenging at the best of times. But when families can’t afford enough food, let alone the recommended range of different coloured vegetables, or iron-rich meats, it’s even tougher still. In recently published research from…
It’s not all bbq’s! Check out these ‘glamping’ camping recipes that your family will love
URGENT WARNING: Some Easter eggs are choking hazards for young kids
7 healthy chocolate recipes for Easter under 250 calories
With Easter coming up we wanted to let you know that there is absolutely NO reason for you to miss out on chocolate just because you are trying to lose weight. Not only do these five fabulous recipes taste amazing, they’re all…
Here’s how to DETOXIFY and CLEANSE your body with The Healthy Mummy
6 kid-friendly cereals that live up to their low sugar claims
One recipe 4 different meals! This meal prepping tip will save you time and money
Who knew this simple trick could help with weight loss?!
Dietician claims this simple trick is just as good as any weight loss drug on the market! Apparently, something as simple as chewing a stick of gum releases the same “appetite-suppressing” hormone as weight loss drugs. Dietitian Abbey Sharp posted…
35 healthy snack ideas
Can you really lose weight walking 10,000 steps a day – and why this number?
Eat pasta and lose weight? Yes! It really is possible with these 6 budget pasta recipes
Most people just assume they need to cut pasta out of their diet completely when trying to lose weight but that’s really not the case! At the Healthy Mummy, we believe in long term lifestyle changes that are sustainable. Cutting…