Healthy Mummy Community Bloggers
Welcome to The Healthy Mummy Real Mum Blogs!
You will be able to read directly from our Mum Bloggers in the Healthy Mummy community who will be sharing stories about their lives, health, fitness, weight loss and cooking journeys with us.

Real Mum Stories: Melissa on How To Stay On Track With Healthy Eating Habits And Exercise!
Melissa Timmer, who lost 37kg with The Healthy Mummy, talks about how you can stay on track with your healthy eating habits and exercise!
Read MoreReal Mum Stories: Melissa on How To Stay On Track With Healthy Eating Habits And Exercise!
How the Healthy Mummy helped this mum come to terms with her Post Natal Depression
Healthy Mummy Madeline is getting on top of her health goals and shares how getting physically in shape helped her come to terms with Post Natal Depression.
Read MoreHow the Healthy Mummy helped this mum come to terms with her Post Natal Depression
Healthy Mummy Melissa shares ‘What To Do When You’re Not Reaching Your Goals!’
Melissa has lost 37 kilos with the Healthy Mummy and shares more about her journey and what to do when you're not reaching your goals.
Read MoreHealthy Mummy Melissa shares ‘What To Do When You’re Not Reaching Your Goals!’
How this mum sets herself small achievable goals each month
Madeline Gilbert set herself the task of accomplishing a different goal each month at the beginning of the year.…
Mum saves over $212 by making 306 sweet lunchbox snacks for a whole school term!
Healthy Mummy Bec Ashforth spent just one afternoon prepping sweet snacks for her five kids lunchboxes that will last an entire 10 week term!
Read MoreMum saves over $212 by making 306 sweet lunchbox snacks for a whole school term!Healthy Mummy Melissa Shares Her Experience With The Keto Meal Plan
Melissa Timmer has lost 40 kilos with The Healthy Mummy and has recently tried the new Keto Meal Plan in the Healthy Mummy App.
Read MoreHealthy Mummy Melissa Shares Her Experience With The Keto Meal PlanHealthy Mummy Kirsty talks weight loss success & dealing with life’s curveballs
Kirsty talks about the daily challenges she faces in life as well as a recent Non Scale Victory as well as the glitches she has faced on her health journey.
Read MoreHealthy Mummy Kirsty talks weight loss success & dealing with life’s curveballsHealthy Mummy Bec says “Ladies, Let’s Talk About The 3 Lifestyle Types!”
Bec Ashforth who has lost 55 kilos with The Healthy Mummy talks about living different lifestyles and how she manages to stay on track every day!
Read MoreHealthy Mummy Bec says “Ladies, Let’s Talk About The 3 Lifestyle Types!”How The Healthy Mummy community is supporting Sarah deal with cancer
This incredibly strong mum reveals her world was rocked when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Here's how she got the support she needed.
Read MoreHow The Healthy Mummy community is supporting Sarah deal with cancerMum shares her top budget & family friendly meals the kids will eat
Sascha Farley who lost 34 kilos with the Healthy Mummy is sharing her favourite meals that suit her entire family as well as her budget!
Read MoreMum shares her top budget & family friendly meals the kids will eatReal Mum Stories: How Megan makes the Healthy Mummy work for her
Megan Van Nierop is a 33-year-old mum of two children aged 5 and 3. Since joining The Healthy Mummy,…
Real Mum Stories: “My life as I knew it, in that second changed”, Sarah talks about dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis
Healthy Mummy Sarah Cryers life was turned upside down by four words, 'you have breast cancer'. Here she talks about embarking on this health battle.
Read MoreReal Mum Stories: “My life as I knew it, in that second changed”, Sarah talks about dealing with a breast cancer diagnosisReal Mum Stories: How Solo Healthy Mummy Bec manages to stay slim and look after 5 kids while hubby works away!
Bec Ashforth has lost 55 kilos with The Healthy Mummy and talks about how she manages to stay slim and look after 5 kids while hubby works away!
Read MoreReal Mum Stories: How Solo Healthy Mummy Bec manages to stay slim and look after 5 kids while hubby works away!Real Mums Stories : Surviving mummying, wifeing and a few more challenges
Healthy Mummy Kirsty talks about managing her busy life with four kids, turning 40 and how she plans on regaining control of her health goals.
Read MoreReal Mums Stories : Surviving mummying, wifeing and a few more challengesReal Mum Stories: How Mum Katrina finally regained control
Katrina Macilroy has recently lost 6 kilos with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge. Here she talks about how to get back on track after losing her way.
Read MoreReal Mum Stories: How Mum Katrina finally regained control