Search Results for pelvic floor exercises
4 AWESOME exercises to help you improve your pelvic floor

Looking after your pelvic floor is important for all women – especially mums – and it is surprisingly easy to do once you understand how to do it. It’s no surprise that the pelvic floor is often compromised after pregnancy, but…
Kegel Exercises for Women

How to tone your booty with these 6 exercises!

Want to get to the bottom of the secret to lift and sculpt your booty? Besides looking great in a pair of jeans or a skirt, having a strong butt and toned thighs can lead to better fat burning, in…
10 exercises to help you burn 200 calories at home!

How to Burn 200 Cals at home with these 12 Exercises!

Let’s face it, most of us want to burn as many calories as possible in the shortest amount of time possible! No need to race to the gym either when you have a bank of great exercises you can do…
Frozen Raspberry Cheesecake Slice recipe and pelvic floor workout

Looking for something to make today? Or maybe an exercise to do? And an activity to help keep the kids busy? You’re in luck! As part of our daily survival pack during this time of self-isolation, we’ve pulled together a…
Got bad knees? Here are 5 exercises for you

Bad knees can happen to us all – maybe from running, carrying too much weight or just simply overuse and they can really inhibit exercise. To avoid further injury and discomfort, here are a few knee strengthening exercises to work…
How To Look After Your Pelvic Floor

New exercises to support MUSCLE SEPARATION are HERE

We’re THRILLED to announce that there is a brand new extension to our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge App – with the arrival of our new exercises supporting muscle separation! Muscle separation usual occurs after pregnancy. This occurs because as your baby…
6 exercises you can do with the kids by your side

Why You Should Exercise Your Pelvic Floor During Pregnancy

During pregnancy your body undergoes many changes, several of which can impact upon your pelvic floor. Today our nutrition and fitness expert Nikki Boswell gives us the low down on what the pelvic floor is and why you should be exercising…
Why The Pelvic Floor Is So Important In Post Pregnancy Exercise
15 health benefits of having regular sex – helping you look younger and live longer

What to know about abdominal muscle separation post-pregnancy

Exercise in pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy A lot of women are nervous about exercising while they are pregnant, and that’s understandable, especially if you have suffered previous losses or don’t feel like yourself. But there are so many potential health benefits if you…
10 lesser-known symptoms of menopause and how to manage them

What this mum wishes she knew before she started her weight loss journey!

What to expect after a C-Section from a mum who’s had four

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

Healthy Meals vs Workouts: What’s Best For Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss?

This mum suffered a 3cm ab separation and lost 16kg after giving birth

While preparing for her wedding in 2016, this mum weighed 65kg and was the happiest and healthiest she had ever been. 18 months later Rebecca fell pregnant and suffered from severe ab separation and pelvic girdle issues which resulted in her needing a…
How this mum broke her restrictive eating cycle and embraced a healthy life!

Before she joined The Healthy Mummy, Cassie weighed in at 66kg and was hoping to lose 3kg. She also suffered from secondary infertility and had been on an unhealthy, restrictive eating cycle. In the first month of her joining the 28 Day…
9 of the best tips to increase your libido

If parenting is the condition, then a low libido is often the symptom. It certainly is a far more common complaint than you would think. But there is good news. These small and simple changes to your lifestyle and daily…
What exercise is safe to do after having a baby, especially a c-section?

Help! My Bladder Leaks When I Exercise!

It’s estimated that 30 per cent of women will experience some form of bladder leakage after birth, particularly when exercising. But this doesn’t mean that urinary incontinence should be accepted as a normal consequence of having a baby. According to Women’s…