5 under 400 calorie lunch ideas perfect for summer

10 smoothies that are perfect for summer

20 healthy Christmas snacks for kids

5 super snacks for detoxing

Taking a holiday this summer? This is how you can stay healthy!
How to get your booty in shape in time for summer
Let’s play a word association…. Ready? Summer. What came to mind? Was it mango? Maybe it was the ocean, or maybe it was anxiety that summer is around the corner and you aren’t feeling body confident? For us, it’s booty!…
Eating breakfast and dinner at these times can blast fat
A great weight loss guideline to stick by is to never skip meals, in particular, breakfast! The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge encourages mums to have 3 meals and 3 healthy snacks as this helps mums BOOST their metabolism and…
Healthy Mummy Investigates: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Worth the Hype?
5 protein-rich foods that will keep you on track to achieve your weight loss goals
Mum of 5 loses 13kg despite suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and PCOS
Since welcoming baby number #5, this Healthy Mummy has lost 13kg (going from 87kg to 74kg), using the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
Mum makes 54 meals for her family of 5 for UNDER $90!
Michelle Anderson is a busy mum of 3 and doesn’t have the time, nor does she want to, spend slaving around the kitchen and spending oodles on ingredients. Using the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app and its tools, allows…
Mum of three loses 45kg and now saves $130 on her weekly grocery shop!
Not only has Michelle lost 45kg and over 100cm off her body, she’s now saving BIG BUCKS thanks to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge. Check out this mum’s story of how she kicked her emotional eating habit and now saves $130…
1 sauce, 5 meals! The meal prep recipe that will last you all week!
If you’re a huge fan of tomato sauce based food, then why not make a big batch enough to last the week? But you DON’T have to eat the same meal every day! In fact, tomato sauce is so versatile…
Does keeping a food diary really keep you accountable? These mums set the record straight
Food diaries. We’ve all tried to write down what we are eating in a day at least once in our lifetime. But do they actually keep us aware of what we’re consuming and help with weight loss? According to these 4 healthy mummies, keeping…
This is how you can meal prep 43 vegetarian meals and 38 snacks
Meal prep ambassador, Jessica Magill is showing you how you can meal prep to your specific diet needs. Jessica is a vegetarian and 14 weeks pregnant with baby number 4 (congratulations!) so it’s all vegetarian meals-only at her house! “I…
5 ways chocolate can help you BLAST belly fat
Mum lost 10kgs and saved $2,600 in 6 months on groceries
Weight loss. Many of us are on a mission to lose weight but fear the cost that’s involved with getting healthy and slimming down. However, just as Healthy Mummy Megan found – that isn’t necessarily the case. Meagan discovered The Healthy…
12 weight loss mistakes you DON’T want to make
Weight. Loss. Mistakes. Most people want to lose weight fast. What’s more, many are after a quick fix for weight loss. But this is the first mistake you could make when trying to losing weight. The route to successful and long term…
7 best breads to eat and still lose weight
6 recipes to make when you’re too hot to think about eating lasagne
Having a home-cooked hot meal is always a nice thing, but when it’s sweltering hot sometimes all you want is an ice block for dinner. Well, instead of an ice block, how about a nutritiously delicious summer salad recipe!? We…
This mum was exhausted walking a few hundred metres, now she has lost 40kg and runs!
After first discovering The Healthy Mummy in hospital after having her 3rd baby, Stacey has found a new way of life. “I have learnt to love myself, I have found who I am as a person,” Stacey says. After smashing her goal weight of 80kg, Stacey…
5 tips on how to successfully and sustainably lose 50+ kilograms
Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge member Cicily Goodwin has lost 53 kilograms on her weight loss journey and is a true inspiration to other mums. What’s more, Cicily has lost this weight in less than 20 months. “People…
Mum loses 34.9kg by doing this ONE routine every fortnight
A mother to a nearly 2 year old, a solicitor, a wife and now an exercise enthusiast. 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge member, Steph has learned how to time manage in order to reach her weight loss goals. Steph has lost…
5 tips for getting that booty from a mum who did it!
Melissa Timmer is a mum of 2 and says she has always been on a roller coaster ride with her weight for pretty much her whole life, until now! She has lost 36kg and has maintained this for over 1 year now…