This mum has tried The Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+. What is her verdict?

We love when our community gives their feedback on our products and our Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ was developed for our mums who are in that specific time of their lives, so what is this over 45 mums verdict?
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Menopause is a fact of life for all women as they get older and as you reach this stage and age in your life, your oestrogen levels will seem to have a mind of their own! The end result – you’re left with anything from hot flushes to mood swings to night sweats.

But, have no fear, with our new The Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+, we have carefully constructed a delicious drink that contains amazing food ingredients that can help you to balance out those fluctuating hormones.

Jo Lloyd is just one of our mums that have tackled their menopause symptoms head on and embraced our Smoothie 45+!

+45 Smoothie #1-4870

Taming those chaotic menopause symptoms

There are many foods that can actually help balance out your hormones. And our expert nutritionists have combined these ingredients to form a delicious and healthy smoothie to help do just that as well as promote optimum health.

When we asked a leading nutritionist, Sonia McNaughton for feedback on the ingredients, this is what she said.

Read her full review here.

A breakdown of some the ingredients

Flaxseeds and soybeans

The Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ is a great source of plant-based protein (from GM-free soybeans) and fibre. Getting enough protein and fibre at each meal and snack means feeling satisfied for longer. 

Flaxseeds are the basis of The Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ and are a plant oestrogen. Along with the soybeans, they help to balance oestrogen.” 

A 1997 article in the Journal of The North American Menopause Society published the results of a study where 147 women were fed a phytoestrogen-rich diet for twelve weeks. Seventy-eight of these women consumed one-fourth of their daily caloric intake from foods containing phytoestrogens such as soy foods and flaxseeds.

After 12 weeks, the women with the highest blood serum levels of phytoestrogens experienced reduced or less severe vaginal dryness and hot flashes, both common complaints among menopausal women.

Read more on the good and bad of soy.

Vitamins and minerals

Sonia adds, “If you are suffering from mood swings, the magnesium, calcium, and B6 that are added in The Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ help support mood and sleep as well as bone health.” 

Read more on the benefits of these vitamins and minerals.

Jo Lloyd loves The Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+

jo lloyd trans

Jo was diagnosed with peri-menopause and gained a little bit of weight when she started her new medication. “I know I’m not 45 yet but I am going through peri-menopause at the moment and with the ingredients in this mix supporting hormones during this stage, I’m sure it will help,” she explains.

Jo has been trying out new recipes and says that she loves the Ginger Nut Cookies and Cream Smoothie.

She added a few substitutes. “I used the new Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ vanilla smoothie, ricotta instead of cream cheese and I added a dried fig, it was so yum!”

You can find the recipe here.

over 45 smoothie

“I even had leftover Gingerbread to sprinkle on top so it was definitely so Yum!” Jo adds.

Thanks, Jo. This looks amazing and I’m sure tastes as good as it looks!

Get your hands on our Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ today!


Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ contains a unique combination of ingredients designed specifically to support the needs of women over 45 years old’

  • Vitamin D with Calcium to enhance bone mineral density
  • 50% of your Vit D RDI which is critical for bone health
  • Good source of Protein for muscle mass maintenance
  • Vitamin B6 for balanced hormonal activity support
  • Zinc, Vitamin C + E to protect cells from free radical damage

Find out more and buy our Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ today!

Join our Healthy Mummy Over 45 Facebook support group to get advice and support from other mums who are over 45.

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