The complete lifestyle blog for women. Real mum stories from our Healthy Mummy Community, plus fashion, beauty and celebrity news. For The Healthy Mummy with a little down time. We share holiday and travel information for travelling with little ones, plus promotions and giveaways we know you will love!

Woohoo! The Healthy Mummy’s ENERGY BOOSTING WORKOUT has arrived!
Get excited ladies, there’s a new extension to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge – with the arrival of…

9 easy meals to whip up in the kitchen when you’re feeling tired
Being a mum means you are constantly on the go, and Julie Durbhakula says she’s found herself too tired to…

4 EASY energy boosting exercises
Next time you are feeling tired at the end of a long night or day and feel you want…

Mum who loses 13kg is cleared of developing diabetes after changing her lifestyle
Around 20 per cent of women suffer from gestational diabetes while they are pregnant, and of these women between…
Mum makes 48 meals and snacks for $130 – that works out at $2.70 per serve
It only took this mum just over three hours to make 48 meals and snacks from the 28 Day…
Mum-to-be arranges a beautiful gender reveal after her husband tragically died in action
EMOTIONAL STORY ALERT When Britt Harris found out she was pregnant with her first child, her husband Chris was…
7 EMBARRASSING things you can talk to your pharmacist about!
Sometimes we suffer from what we think are slightly embarrassing (and rather personal) health issues that we just don’t…
Check out this dad’s ‘tips’ on how to help your partner through pregnancy
During pregnancy women often rely on their partner’s support to get them through the tiredness and the sickness. So we…
Pregnancy sickness can affect dads too, reveals new study
While pregnancy sickness isn’t the most pleasant thing for an expectant mum during the first trimester, this nausea can also…
How this breastfeeding baby saved his mum’s life!
Babies struggle to feed for a variety of reasons, but it turns out this bub had a very good…
Mum who lost 30kg shares her top 3 tips on how she TONED her TUMMY
Restricting calories to the extreme doesn’t help you lose weight. More often than not, your body goes into ‘starvation…
Walking EVERY DAY helped this mum lose 19kg and tone her tummy
If you’ve never exercised before and want to start your weight loss journey, DON’T PANIC. You don’t need to…
Mum no longer embarrassed to wear her swimmers in public!
Sometimes losing weight isn’t just about the number you see on the scales, it’s about finding your confidence again,…
Mums Encouraged To Embrace Their Post-Baby Bodies In Beautiful Photo Series
Mum loses 22kgs in 11 months and shares her four top tips for BANISHING the BELLY FAT
If you experience bloating, you’re not alone! The majority of women will experience this at some stage. Erin McCrae is…